Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Student Nurses Prayer


Lord: I know we go through this every day but please give me the knowledge as to why I actually wanted to go to nursing school.

Lord, give me the strength to make it through those boring three hour lectures without falling asleep.

Lord, please give me the patience to make it through twelve hour clinicals with instructors that can't just give you the right answer and on the same note, give the nurses the ability to remember what it was like to be a student and give us just a little more respect.

Lord, give me the endurance to read all the assigned readings and be able to remember it when I am taking a test with four right answers.

Lord, give my family and friends the ability to realize I really am on the edge of insanity.

Finally, Lord, give me the vision to see that one day I will be a real nurse and I will never have to wear this ugly uniform again.


The two most powerful weapons are courage and persistence.  Nothing can stop a person armed with both.
  - Scott Sorrell

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Common Sense

…and I’m not talking about the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine ( )

We’ve all heard it before “common sense isn’t really all that common”, but what I always wonder is the “why”.

  • Why is it so uncommon now a days to have people without any common sense walk around the world?
  • Why is common sense called common sense if its not very common?

Now a quick search on the net will turn up many websites and definitions. For people who don’t know what common sense is here are a couple of those definitions:

  1. common sense reasoning reasoning on the basis of common knowledge, as opposed to purely logical reasoning, or reasoning that depends solely on the meanings of words. A purely logical inference might be from If it is Tuesday, Sam is in London and It is Tuesday to the conclusion Sam is in London. An example of common sense reasoning might be the inference that if someone asks for a phone book it is because they want to look up a number, and make a phone call
  2. "Common sense" in philosophy has two general meanings:
    1. a sense of things being common to other things
    2. a sense of things common to humanity
  3. commonsense knowledge is the collection of facts and information that an ordinary person is expected to know

Really the one “common sense” that I am referring to is the “commonsense knowledge” as this is the one I feel is lacking in today's society.

So what is the point of this blog, you ask.

I just want to point out and put to the forefront common sense in hopes the people who are lacking in it will take a closer look at themselves and work on gaining both a better understanding of themselves, and why they are lacking in the sense that is so common.


The moment we fully and vitally realise who and what we are,
we then begin to build our own World even as God builds his.
  - Ralph Waldo Trine, "In Tune with the Infinite", 1897




Monday, April 27, 2009

It Happens

So for todays post I'm going to do another lyric post, except this time you only get the chorus. Why because it is oh so true!

"Now it is poor me, why me, oh me
Boring the same old worn out blah blah story
There is no good explanation for it at all"
"Ain't no rhyme or reason
No complicated meaning
Ain't no need to over think it
Let go laughing
Life don't go quite like you planned it
We try so hard to understand
Irrefutable, indisputable
The fact is
It happens"
~Sugarland's "It Happens"

I've also decided to include quotes of the post, which I think will be a nice addition and will hopefully get those brain juices thinking.


"Life is our teacher. Life communicates with us all the time and it is a lesson to see how life continuously have led me to the people I need to met, to the situations I need to experience, and to the places I need to be. There has never been any real reason to worry since all small individual rivers are already on their way to the ocean, to the Whole. It is not about swimming, it is about relaxing and to float with the river in a basic trust that life already leads towards the sea of consciousness, towards the Whole."
- Swami Dhyan Giten

Thursday, April 9, 2009


  1. Acrophobia- Fear of heights
  2. Aquaphobia- Fear of deep water
  3. Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders
  4. Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being
  5. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying.
  6. Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces
  7. Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed
  8. Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns
  9. Demophobia- Fear of crowds
  10. Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public
  11. Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive

This is a list of all my fears. Some are worse than others. All of these things I’m trying, and will hopefully, learn to to no longer fear. Well I can finally cross one fear off my list. Which is it you may ask (and even if you don’t I’m telling you anyway :P): Necrophobia- Fear of death.

Now you may wonder why, out of all my fears, this is the one that I have overcome since this seems to be the “biggest”. Well I decided that it is ridiculous to fear the inevitable.

What does this have to do with you? Well really I just wanted people to see that once they know themselves they can then grow and improve themselves so that they can live their lives without fear.

If you want to find out the names of your fears here’s a great site I found, it doesn’t have all fears but it has a lot: 

Not that anyone reads this but if they do I’m curious to hear your thoughts on phobia’s, what yours are or how you conquered them.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


So I was thinking of what I could write in this blog today while I was driving to my lecture. Well a song came on that is from the Chicago soundtrack (a new obsession) that I realized summed up a great way to live life, and how I enjoy living it:

VELMA: While truckin' down the road of life, although all hope seems gone, I just move on.
ROXIE: When I can't find a single star to hang my wish upon, I just move on, I move on.
VELMA: I run so fast, a shotgun blast can hurt me not one bit.
ROXIE: I'm on my toes cause heaven knows a moving target's hard to hit.
VELMA & ROXIE: So as we play in life's ballet, we're not the dying swans, we just move on, we move on.
ROXIE: Just when it seems we're out of dreams, and things have got us down.
VELMA: We don't despair, we don't go there, we hang our bonnets out of town.
VELMA & ROXIE: So there's no doubt we're well cut out to run life's marathon, we just move on, we just move on.
So fleet of foot, we can't stay put, we just move on.
Yes, we move on!

lol the sad part is I’ve listened to this soundtrack pretty much everyday for a good 5 days now. Sometimes lessons are learned slowly.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Plain and Simple

So the lesson I have learned this week…well actually since I started post secondary is………

I am human and there are only 24 hours in a day

*end lesson*


Sunday, March 22, 2009



  • One of the “croup syndromes”
  • Viral infection of the upper airway mainly affecting children between 6 months – 3 years of age
  • Inflammation of the larynx and trachea causes the airway to narrow

So there is my bit of knowledge and a really awesome word you can use and people will think you are smarter for using it.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Politically Correct in its Uncorrectness

So seeing as I have not updated in the last 2 days I will now think of 3 new things to add. This should be interesting...

The knowledge that I shall impart upon you is this, when blogging remember to save your blog as you go along. Otherwise you will find the post you had just typed will randomly disappear...and it is not fun.

Now the knowledge which was connivingly erased previously was this. Why as a society are we oh so fond of our use of the "politically correct"? Why must we always partake in this charade? We all know what we truly mean, yet we continue to mask our true words. Why for example must I say things such as "oh that poor woebegone homeless individual", when really I would prefer to state the sentence as "wow poor hobo, that's gotta suck" (or something along the same vein such as this example). I feel that stating things "politically correct" is building our society to be one of deceit and lies as we are not able to speak our true on our blogs or amongst other individuals of the same frame of mind.

That my friends is my knowledge for the last few days. How you may ask was that 3 days worth of knowledge. Firstly the use of the term hobo was one bit of knowledge, I feel it is a term we should use more...mostly because I find it highly amusing. Secondly, the use of the term woebegone as it was the word of the day today and that my friends is an important thing. Using the word of the day teaches you many new words you can work into conversations to make yourself look knowledgeable.

That is all my friends for today. If you feel you have been cheated and you were not fully satisfied with the knowledge you have gained all I can say is this...

I shall strive to produce more rapt and informative posts...but come on blogs are free you're bound to get random bits of nothingness thrown in too.

Until next time,


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pediatric Medication Calculation

Something New I Learned Today:
Pediatric medication calculation questions are long, daunting and are fairly different from adult calculation questions. In order to calculate the medication it is based on the dosage (g/mg/mcg) the weight (kg) and on a daily total.

How will this Help You:
It may not help anything at all unless you are a med student or like me a nursing student.

As is the point of this blog I just provide you with anything new I have learned.


Saturday, March 14, 2009


1: a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)

2: such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
3 a: extreme folly or unreasonableness b: something utterly foolish or unreasonable

While I am in fact not clinically insane, I feel that in order to keep life interesting we should all have bouts where we have a complete lack of understanding because in these times we are able to gain knowledge from our ignorance.

Basically I'll write this blog about whatever new bit of information has come my way, or to whatever piques my interest at the time. Hopefully this will keep things interesting.
